Ayurvedic Herbal Skin Care Capsule - Ayursun Manjistha Capsule

Ayurvedic Herbal Skin Care Capsule - Ayursun Manjistha Capsule.

In ayurvedic medicine, Manjistha is a blood purifying herb. It cools and detoxifies the blood, removes stagnant blood, and dissolves obstructions in the blood flow. Manjistha also helps protect gums from receding. It is also believed to have astringent and anti-oxidant properties.

Scientific studies have shown that it regulates blood pressure, blood vessel constriction, and helps protect from blood clot formation. Manjistha can also be used to treat uric acid and arthritis. Combined with other products, it can treat urinary infections, diarrhea, dysentery, and chronic fevers.

Manjistha can be used to treat irregular menstruation. This herb can be used both internally and externally to bring luster to your skin and make it glow. Manjistha also helps removes pimples, freckles, other discolorations, and promotes the healing of skin tissues damaged by injury or infection.
What is Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia)?

Manjistha is a branched climber that has bristles. The stem is slender and four angled. The flowers are very small, greenish-white, and arranged in a branched cluster.
Nutritional Value of Manjishtha

Manjistha is rich in nutrients. Its principal constituents are purpurin, munjistin, xanthopurpurin and pseudopurpurin.
Health Benefits of Manjistha

Mentioned below are the best health benefits of Manjistha. This ayurvedic herb can be used for different purposes, manjistha powder offers various health benefits, it can be used for skin care, skin whitening procedure, and melasma. Manjistha powder is also used for grey hair problems and hair loss issues.
  • Manjistha acts as a blood purifier.
  • Manjishtha Promotes Healing of injury.
  • Manjishtha treats calcium deficiency.
  • Manjistha skin benefits.
  • Manjistha relieves menstrual pain.
  • Manjistha removes gall bladder stones.
  • Manjistha for diabetic neuropathy.
  • Manjishtha destroys tumors.
  • Manjishtha detoxifies your body.

Ayursun Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) capsule is one of Ayurveda's most popular blood-purifying herbs and is used for lymphatic and liver support. The incredibly important role of the lymphatic system is often overlooked in western medicine. Your lymph system drains the wastes from your body and controls and regulates your immune system. It is pumped through muscular.


Manjistha is an herb that supports the natural function of the lymphatic system allowing nutrition to feed the cells and wastes to be removed from the body in an optimal fashion. Manjistha calms aggravated pitta and breaks up congested Kapha. Many pitta-aggravated imbalances in the body, especially those of the blood, may be supported by manjistha’s affinity for balancing pitta.

Dosage: take 1-2 capsules 2 times per day after meals or as directed by your health care professional.

Terms and conditions:
we have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self-medicating.

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