Newshours18- What is the importance of Atharva Veda?

Newshours18- Atharvaveda's book is the fourth holiest book of the Veda. This Veda is also called Brahmaveda. This Veda is also called Brahmaveda. In this, along with the praise of the gods, there are mantras for medicine, science, and philosophy. 

यस्य राग्नो जनपद अथर्व शांतिपरागाह।

निवासत्यपि तद्राश्रम वर्धतेनिरुपद्रवम्।

अथर्ववेद का प्रथम मन्त्र ये त्रिशप्त पारियंती है।

God first gave the knowledge of Atharvaveda to Maharishi Angira, then Maharishi Angira gave that knowledge to Brahma.

'ये त्रिषप्ताः परियन्ति' अथर्ववेद का प्रथम मंत्र है |

According to a global survey except in India, people are thinking this is a religious holy book that belongs to Hindu dharma only. because of this no one trying to understand this is not only a religious book, this is the most advanced research book for human society. Great Indian (Bharatiya, Hindustani) rishi Munis ( Super scientist) every time they say the whole world is my family. in Atharvaveda have many great things which are written in the Sanskrit language. The Sanskrit language is the world's first grammar-based language. 

In Atharvaveda have like - Geography, astronomy, botany, innumerable herbs, Ayurveda, diagnosis, and treatment of serious and serious diseases, fundamental principles of economics, occult elements of politics, the glory of the nation and national language, surgery, discussion of diseases arising from worms Atharvaveda has representations of hundreds of philanthropic subjects, ways to remove death, salvation, reproductive science, etc. The importance of Atharvaveda is very appreciable from the point of view of Ayurveda. In Atharvaveda, both peace-affirming and ceremonial rituals are described.

India has always been giving and doing great things for the world. Whenever the world is surrounded by problems, then India has shown the right path to the world. And it has also been told that only economic or military power does not make a country great or powerful. Rather, the self-confidence of the people there and the love for humanity make it great, so India is known among the greatest countries in the world.

Ayursun pharma company is always encouraging, supporting those who are doing great things for human society. 

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